Yesterday, I had lunch with DoggyBloggy in Chinatown at a little place called The Lunch Box. Very interesting and pleasant enough, although at one point, a crazy lunatic of a man came in screaming at anyone who would listen. At first I thought he may have been a disgruntled customer yelling at the little old Chinese guy. Apparently not, and apparently I was staring because the guy started directing his yelling to me.
I'm not homeless! I'm not some cartoon character! Bitch, I'll knock you the fuck out! Who the fuck do you think you are?? You know who the fuck I am? Well you don't need to know who the fuck I am! I may be old, but I'll beat the fuck out of you! Fucking bitch...and so forth...
This guy was clearly out of his mind. I just looked down and started eating again in hopes he would go away. He did, but wasn't quiet about it.
So many differences between here and my small town Indiana. The guy would never have gotten away with that kind of behavior there. But, here I guess there are so many more crazies just by sheer population. I'm not exactly sure why owners didn't do anything, I'm guessing because they're Chinese and all that their culture entails.
So mister lunatic is off to terrorize another day.

If you payed attention to every lunatic you saw or that saw you, you wouldnt have time to get anything done... my fish was a fried bone and you had gristle...LOL
You should've knocked him out ;-)
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